Embracing Setbacks: A Morning of Photography, Lost Footage, and Unwavering Hope

Saturday morning greeted me with perfect conditions for a photo shoot with my beloved Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera. The beach, an old church, and a quaint village where the famous pudding the Banoffee pie was born provided picturesque backdrops. 

Energized by the morning's beauty and loving being back out with my pinhole camera after a short break, I returned home eager to review my footage from the morning to start putting it together a YouTube video.

Excitedly, I began downloading the footage onto my tablet, testing out new editing software along the way. Later, I ventured out again with my GoPro and my kids, capturing even more precious moments.

But then, when i returned and I tried to reload the SD card back into my tablet, disaster struck. It refused to read, I then tired my computer which told me the disk was not readable. Panic set in as I tried every device imaginable—all with the same heartbreaking result: "SD CARD ERROR."

Desperate attempts to salvage the footage through recovery hacks proved futile.
 It was a gut-wrenching moment realizing I had lost all the footage intended for my YouTube vlog that morning. Even accepting that I had lost the footage when I attempted to reformat the SD card it failed to be able to do so, not sure what had gone wrong, it was even a brand new SD card.

Amidst this disappointment, I hold onto a glimmer of hope. The six pinhole photos I took earlier are still safe in the film holders, and I'm crossing my fingers that they turn out beautifully when I come to develop them. This setback serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of technology, but also as a lesson in resilience and optimism. I choose to focus on the positives—the stunning moments captured on film and the opportunity to create new memories and vlogs in the future.

While today's events may have dampened my spirits, they haven't dimmed my passion for photography and storytelling. Every experience, even the frustrating ones, contributes to my growth as an artist and a creator. I look forward to sharing more adventures and lessons learned on this journey.

Thank you for joining me on this rollercoaster of a day. While not everything went as planned, the journey continues, and so does the creativity. Stay tuned for more stories, lessons, and moments of inspiration. Until next time, keep capturing the beauty around you—no matter the setbacks
