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Escaping the Football Frenzy: Finding Peace on the Water

I'm not a football fan, never have been and probably never will be. So, when it seemed like everyone in the UK was buzzing about the Euros, I felt completely out of the loop. As an introvert, though, I didn't mind missing out on more conversations. When the finals arrived, I knew I had to escape the noise. During the previous games, I could hear my neighbors shouting and cheering, and I craved some peace. It was a beautiful evening, perfect for an outing. So, I loaded my kayak and headed down to Seaford Beach, where I found the tranquility I was seeking, everyone watching the football, it was just me and a couple of others on the whole stretch. I launched my kayak and started heading around to Cuckmere haven, the sun was low and the light was amazing. The paddle around to Cuckmere Haven, with its stunning view of the Seven Sisters, is about 1.6 miles. On an evening like this, it was an effortless and enjoyable journey. Along the way, I also did a bit of fishing, casting out som

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