10 local places I can't wait to visit again with my camera after UK lockdown is over.

With the UK currently on lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus and we are advised to avoid travelling unless absolutely necessary, not being allowed to get out to places without the fear of being hunted down by the local police and questioned about my travels, I'm starting to miss some of my local spots which I have taken for granted over the years. The roads to some of these locations are currently blocked or car parks closed, some are just too far to walk with a load of camera gear.

Its easy to get bored of local locations when you shoot them regularly, but not being allowed to go there makes you realise how fortunate you really are to have some beautiful locations on your door step.

Here are my top 10 locations I can't wait to get back out too.

Check out more of my work at www.willgudgeonphotography.co.uk
Currently prices are reduced for downloads

Also see some of my "behind the camera" videos over on my YouTube channel


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