Photography Humor

A woman shot her husband, drowned him, and hung him. Then, they eat dinner. 
Answer: She was taking a photo of her husband. She shot it, developed it, and hung it to dry. 


“Watching a beautiful sunset with my wife, I look to the scene and start thinking 1/250s at f8 at ISO 400.”


Two girls: "A tray of sushi, please." 
Waiter: "To eat or to post photos of on Instagram? 


What kind of photos does a turtle take?


Why can't you find good photography jokes? 
They haven't been developed yet. 


Teach your kids about photography and they will never have enough money to buy drugs. 


The fastest way to make money from photography is to sell your camera. 


Photographers have been known to flash people 


I read fifty shades of grey to learn more about white balance.


I bought a Labrador and named him Kodak, so I can say I own a Kodak Lab.


How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 
One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, “I could have done that!”


“Your camera takes really nice pictures!” 
“Thanks, I taught it everything it knows!”


“Do not talk while shooting a long exposure, or the photo will be noisy.”


What’s the difference between a large pepperoni pizza and a struggling photographer? 
A large pepperoni pizza can feed a family of four.”


A photographer took a self portrait in a park. Due to lighting conditions he used the built in flash on the camera. He quickly got arrested for flashing and exposing himself in the park.


Q: What’s wrong with most cameras that won’t take good pictures? 
A: The nut behind the viewfinder!


Two photographers are travelling through a third world country and pass by a beggar on the street. One of the photographers asks the other one:
"What did you give him?"
The other photographer replies:
"250th of a second at f5.6."


A friend of mine is always going on about photography jokes.  
You just can’t shutter up.


A friend of mine wanted to be a photographer, but didn’t put enough effort into it.  
He just waited to see what developed.


I saw two chaps walk into a photography shop yesterday.  
You would have thought one of them would have seen it.


A man walks into a photography shop and asks for a lens cap for a Nikon. 
 The chap behind the counter says “seems like a fair swap to me”.



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