New Camera Day - The Ilford Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera
I've Got a new camera.
It's incredible how time shapes our passions. Just yesterday, a Facebook memory from 12 years ago popped up, reminding me of my excitement when I acquired a new lens for my digital camera. I recall marveling at its sharpness and lovely f/2.8 aperture.
Yet, yesterday held a different kind of excitement. Instead of a lens, I unwrapped a new camera - the Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera. With no lens to speak of and an aperture of f/206, it's a departure from the conventional gear I used all them years ago, most would say i've gone backwards, but for me, I enjoy my photography more now than ever before.
This camera has been a dream of mine for nearly a decade. Ever since I delved into the world of pinhole photography, the Harman Titan held a special place in my heart. While I was initially swayed by the allure of the Zero Image 4x5 with its super wide-angle capabilities and adjustable focal length, 9 years ago when I first took an interest in pinhole photography, my longing for the Titan never waned.
After years of dabbling in and out of pinhole photography, and a time focusing primarily on medium format pinholes, I finally took the plunge and invested in the Harman Titan. And let me tell you, the joy it brings is unparalleled.
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