Number 1 of my 52 week photography challenge 2021

I may actually be able to complete this one!

Most years I consider trying a 365 photo project, I have tried a few over the years and after a while I slowly fade away from it. 
Time, commitment, life, excuses.

365 projects require commitment, a clear plan and free time to make some decent image, I can't commitment that sort of time, I never have a clear plan and my free time is limited. 

So my next plan is a 52 week photo challenge, still with no actual real plan.

I've considered just using one camera, a 52 week pinhole challenge?, or just using my Instax?..but still that's too much commitment.

So I'm using them all, with my only plan being, to take one thought out photo each week with whatever camera I have with me, wherever I am, off whatever I see, with just a bit of thought going into the picture.

For left to right
GoPro Hero 8 - Zero 4x5 - GoPro Hero 3 - Fuji Instax - Yashica D TLR
Mamiay RB67 (on top) - Fuji XT1 - Recesky TLR

So this is my first picture. 

The Seven Sisters, East Sussex using my FUJIFILM Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic.


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