Last shoot before lockdown.

March 21st I managed to get out for a few hours down the beach with my Mamiya RB67 loaded with a roll of Ilford FP4 125.
This will be the last time for a while as the following weekend to UK government announced a lockdown following the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

This has also been a tricky time for myself, I finished at my long term job on Friday 27th. I work in a garage painting cars as my normal job, most garages were advised to stay open as they were considered "essential" business, however the companies that supply parts are not considered "essential" so very quickly parts ran out and garages are now closing. With me finishing on the Friday and was hoping to start my new job the following week, that garage is now closed until things start moving again and has left me unemployed for the first time in 19 years, and Government are not currently willing to cover anyones wages if they have had a job change since February 28th.
Is going to be an interesting few weeks/months.

To help with this I have dropped the download prices on my website to hopefully help with extra sales

Please also see my page on Buying prints, Downloading and support

Back to the photo:
I headed to Eastbourne beach, the tide was out but slowly coming in, so couldn't hangout to long in some locations.

As this has been a few weeks since the shoot and with so much going on since, a lot of the exposure times etc, particularly for the long exposures I have forgotten, but hope you enjoy the photos.

Shot 1
Out on the rocks

Shot 2
Long exposure using a 10 stop filters

Shot 3
Eastbourne Beach

Shot 4
Long exposure, Eastbourne Pier

Shot 5

Shot 6
Sea defence 

Shot 7 8 and 9
Rocks in the sea

This roll of film was developed at home in Ilford ID-11 

Scanned with my Epson Perfection V600 Photo Scanner and tweaked in Lightroom.

Kit used on this shoot.
See my Full kit list here

If you would like any of the photos in this post, my favourite are available on my site.
You can purchase digital downloads for personal use and Editorial use, also Giclée art prints, Framed Prints and Canvas Prints.

Or a wide range of products are available for world wide printing and delivery through my

I hope everyone is keeping well throughout this time of uncertainly and I'm sure there are many changes happing in everyone's lives, but please remember to lookout out for all those in need in your own family and community.

Until next time :)


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