Take your Pinhole camera to work day.....results.

On May 9th 2018 I decide to do a #TakeYourPinholeCameraToWorkDay.
Was just a random idea, not an official day, unless you want to take your pinhole camera to work and carry the hashtag on.
I used my ONDU Multi-format pinhole camera and some Fuji Acros 100 120 film.

After about 2 months of this roll of Fuji Neopan Acros 100 120  sitting in the back of my draw I finally developed it.

I developed it using Ilford Ilfosol 3 @ 20ºc for 5 minutes
Agitated for the first 30 seconds, then every 10 seconds after every 30 seconds.

Final Results From My First #TakeYourPinholeCameraToWorkDay

I cycle to work everyday, Rainy, Stormy, Sunny, Cloudy, Hot, Cold, Dry, Wet, Windy, Hurricanes, Foggy, Snow, Thunderstorms, Hail, Misty....you get the idea. This is my bike parked up at a local supermarket picking up a "healthy" snack to help me through my day.
This does appear to have a slight double exposure, or camera moved during the exposure.

Oven Life
I paint cars for a living and therefore spend most my day in a massive oven. I can not remember the exposure time for this, but was at least a couple of minutes. The blur going through the middle is me working, looks like 4 car bumpers and a 2 car wings.

Between Coats
My Sata Jet 5000 resting while the paint is drying.
Again, you can see the blur of me, with my overalls and respirator belt 

If you have ever done or plan on doing a #TakeYourPinholeCameraToWorkDay, use the hashtag on Twitter or Instagram etc and feel free to tag me in a post.
I may be doing some more one day, maybe on May 9th 2019.


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