Beachy Head, Solargraphy project.

Beachy  Head Solargraphy results

Solargraphy is a photographic method which records the path of the Sun. 
Using a pinhole camera and light sensitive paper I can get exposure times that can last days, months or even years. 

Over the years I have left a few cameras up on the edge of Beachy Head, East Sussex UK.
I have had some unsuccessful camera which have failed due to weather, but have managed to build a couple of cameras which can withstand the bad weather they get hit by on the edge of the 500ft cliff edge.

I have had the cameras placed in a couple of locations, one which is shown in the photo below.
Attached to an old fence post using cable ties.

This was my 1st successful photos on the edge looking over the Lighthouse 
This was a 3 month exposure.

This was also photographed in the same location as above, but was a 6 month exposure

This was my 2nd location, as shown in the top photo. 6 month exposure.

Same location as above but this is a 1 year exposure,  capturing 2016 in one exposure

The Seven sisters, This photo shows the famous Coast guard cottages with The Seven Sisters and Beachy Head cliffs in the background, 6 months exposure.

You can view more of my solargraphy work over here.
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