4th roll of Ilford PanF 50 through my Mamiya RB67

Another roll of Pan F through my Mamiya RB67 is done.

Developed in Ilfosol 3 and scanned with an Epson v600 and had small adjustments in Lightroom

Still loving this film, and really pleased with some off these images.

Click images for a larger view

Beachy Head Lighthouse
1/30s - F16 - 90mm

Beachy Head
1/30s - F16 - 50mm
HOYA Red 25A Filter

Beachy Head Lighthouse
1/125s - F16 - 180mm

Beachy Head Lighthouse
1/30s - F22 - 90mm

Windswept tree on the South downs
9 Minutes 10 Seconds - F16 - 180mm
B+W 110 (10 stop filter)

View towards Beachy Head
1/4s - F22 - 180mm
ND Soft Grad

View towards Beachy Head

1/8s - F22 - 180mm
ND Soft Grad

Home view
7 Hours 12 Minutes - F16 - 50mm
NOTES: White trail coming from the pylon is the sun trail.
Faint line going through centre is reflection from window
Filters from memory where a total of 13 stops (B+W 110 & HOYA ND8)
Note the faint cars parked along the road, cars which were there at some point through the exposure but moved away.

Beachy Head Lighthouse 
1/8s - F16 - 180mm

Beachy Head Lighthouse 
1/2s - F16 - 180mm
HOYA Red 25A Filter
NOTES: Unsure why this particle frame came out so scratched, must of happen when loading the roll in the developing tank, did have a few problems successfully getting it onto the reel.

You can check out my other images with Ilford Pan F 

Almost finished another roll of Ilford Pan F 50
Have 2 rolls of Fuji Velvia Im going to attempt to develop in the next week or so.
And have just loaded a roll of Ilford SFX, which is being used with a HOYA R72 Infrared filter.


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