Christmas through the lens of a 2 year old.

On Christmas eve my 2 year old boy finally managed to figure out the camera shutter button, on my Fuji XT1, so I dug out our Canon G15 for him to use.
He spent the rest of Christmas going around capturing as much as he could, and also spent a lot of time time setting up and moving things into position to photograph.

In Action

Rocking Horse

Crazy cousin 


Empty Box

Contents from empty box

Train spotted amongst contents of empty box

Train positioned on empty box


Grandmas Lamp


Great Grandad

Grandad protecting the chocolates 

Back to the train, now on a christmas twig..

New toys

New toys now nicely lined up

Big sisters Lego

Old toys with new toys

Duck and a game dice

Big Sisters with Lego


Big Sisters Pony

My Drawings on new chalk board.

All photos by Oscar, 2 years old.
(Except the first 3, by Dad, 32 years old)


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