Easter Egg Pinhole camera

For Easter I made a pinhole camera out of a chocolate easter egg.

What you will Need:
1: Chocolate Easter Egg (the 120g sizes are a good size)
2: Darkroom Paper ( I used Ilford MGIV RC Pearl B+W)
2: Chemicals ( I used Fotospeed DV10 Varigrade Developer & Fotospeed FX20 Fixer)
3: Developing Dishes & Tongs
4: Darkroom (cupboard, attic any room you can make dark)
5: Red Light (bike lights works great for a small dark room light)
6: Elastic bands, black tap
7: Lightmeter app for smartphone, or use the light meter on your digital camera

The main challenges were it melting, cracking and light leaks around the seal.

After purchasing the chocolate egg and eating the contents, I kept it in the freezer until it was nice and hard

When I was happy it wasn't going to melt to quick, I cut a small hole in one half.

Cutting the hole with a sharp knife

Over this hole I place a thin strip of aluminium with a pinhole in it.
Kept the egg in the freezer again until I was ready to put it together.

In a darkroom I quickly and gently lined the two egg halves together with some B&W Ilford MGIV Photographic paper between them both. The pinhole was held in place with some black tape and 2 elastic bands held it all together, I then lightly wrapped the egg foil back around to reduce the amount of light getting in between the halfs.

When it was ready I place some black insulation tape over the pinhole and was ready to get it out the darkroom for its 1st test shot.

All Together

The 1st test shot
View from our window

Happy with the 1st test shot, I refroze the egg and reloaded it with another sheet of B&W Ilford MGIV Photographic paper.

Easter being a time which many celebrate differently, some its all about chocolate eggs, others its a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
My aim was to capture both and photograph a crucifix with a chocolate easter egg.

I packed the egg up in a bag, kept the car as cool as possible to avoid the egg getting to soft and the elastic bands cutting into the chocolate and headed out in search of a crucifix.

When I found one I got a light meter reading using a free smartphone app to work out the exposure.
I managed to set the egg balanced in a cup to help support it, pointed it in the right direction and exposed it for around 30 seconds.

Headed back home to the darkroom and set about taking it apart and developing the photo.

The Egg with the negative image after being developed.

The final result after it was scanned and converted in Lightroom 
Crucifix photographed with a chocolate Easter Egg 


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